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The Arguement for the Divinty of Christ Jesus
(Series 3 /10)

Friday, January 4, 2013 , Posted by ManilasMan at 9:05 AM

Warning! when reading this material! read without opinion, protect your own!

The Arguement for the Divinty of Christ Jesus - Series: 3 /10 


Against the Holy Trinity!

Yahshuah (Jesus) the Son of God

Yahshuah is not an incarnation of Yahveh. Yahveh has never incarnated and never will. Yahshuah is not a God. He is a man just like every other man that was ever born. At his birth he had no power. He was hungry, cried and wet his diaper like everyone else. His mother was Miriam. She was a normal woman. She was not a goddess and she is not the mother of a god. She did not have sex with Yahveh because Yahveh does not have sex with women . Yahveh who created the planets, moon and stars created a fully human sperm and when Miriam was ovulating by speaking implanted the sperm in Miriam's womb. 

So Yahveh is the father of Yahshuah who was born a fully human man. Yahshuah always called himself a man. 

He never ever said he was God or a god or a half man half god. He was called "the man of sorrows" for Yahshuah had to endure every pain and sorrow of growing up. He was faced by every temptation to known to the human race , but he resisted them all, and never sinned. And thus through much suffering prepared himself to receive Yahveh's promise. 

Yahveh had promised that one perfectly just man would receive the fullness of Yahveh's own Spirit. When Yahshuah was 30 years old he went to the Jordan River to be Baptized in water by his cousin John. John said I saw Yahveh's Holy Sprit come down upon Yahshuah in the form of a dove. 

Throughout History Yahveh had sent down a small portion of his spirit on the Jewish Prophets. Sometimes it was only for a few hours, or days, but with Yahshuah it was permanent and without measure. Yahshuah did not then become a God. He remained a man full of Yahveh's Spirit. 

He went about doing good and destroying the works of the devil. He told people to repent and live in such a way that they could receive here and now a portion of Yahveh's Spirit and after death they could rise on the Judgment Day where they would receive immortality and be transformed into spirits -human spirits who would live in Yahveh's Kingdom of Love and Peace forever. 

The Spirit of Yahveh is the the same as Yahveh. There is no Trinity, or multiplicity of Gods, or persons in God. 

There is the One Supreme God Yahveh who loves human beings so much that he made a way for them to share in his Spirit and his kingdom. The way was for Yahshuah to be offered as a perfect sinless sacrifice. By his death Yahshuah won not only immortality (he was the first man to do so), but he also took way the power of death from the devil, so that all the faithful followers of Yahveh can now come to Yahshuah for Judgement when they die. Yahshuah will be merciful for he knows what it is to suffer, for he too was a man. The Offer of Christianity is immortality in the next life and a portion of Yahveh's Spirit, and Yahshuah's spirit living in you now-today. If you would like to receive this free offer, contact me. 

Email Robert

Email Robert


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