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Cesar Borgia's Portrait = Jesus Christ?

Friday, January 4, 2013 , Posted by ManilasMan at 10:54 AM

Introduction of the Christ Image

Is this true or is it just a story made up?

For many centuries people have been worshipping this image of Christ, devout Catholics, Protestants and many other peoples of various denominations within Christendom.

Why deny this beautiful image of Christ? This Image of a caucasian blue eyed Man- GOD long, middle parted hair with goatee…

Growing up going to church every Sunday 1st day of the week. When GOD Himself instructed us to honour on the 7th day of rest. The Sabbath day! Saturday…

And suddenly you found a Truth, that you cannot accept, cause had known Jesus as the image placed by the Church, this is the Jesus you have known all your life and suddenly you are told that it was a fraud! How could this be? Is this really true or is it just a story made up? or vice versa.

- The History of the Borgia Dynasty
- The History of the Jews; concerning Kazaria
- The Passage of Wisdom of Solomon 14:15
- Argument of the Divinity of Christ

First of all, one must decide what is most important, because the single most fundamental belief we Christian have is the divinity of Christ, Son of GOD within the Triunity GOD head. We must realize and decide that the image of Christ is not what we worship, but Christ himself, the Jesus Christ in our hearts….

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