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Mission & Statement of Faith
Tyndale University College & Seminary

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 , Posted by ManilasMan at 10:23 AM

Tyndale's Mission Statement:

Tyndale is dedicated to the pursuit of truth, to excellence in teaching, learning and research, for the enriching of mind, heart and character, to serve the church and the world for the glory of God.
Tyndale University College & Seminary is a Christian institution of higher education standing in the Protestant Evangelical tradition. With all Christians East and West, North and South, we affirm the historic Apostles’ and Nicene creeds, and we affirm our spiritual kinship with all who seek to exalt and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are also rooted in the Protestant Reformation with its conviction concerning the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the normative authority of Scripture. In the tradition of the Evangelical awakenings, we proclaim the message of a personal faith in the crucified Christ and a transformed life through the Spirit. Born out of the world missionary movement of the 19th century, we continue to serve the global Church in all its cultural diversity. We embrace the biblical call to seek justice and peace and to serve the poor, the vulnerable, and the oppressed.
The following Statement of Faith reflects our own specific theological identity within that world-wide Church.

Statement of Faith

“We believe that:

[1] there is but one true and living God who exists eternally in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God alone is Creator, Preserver and Governor of all things visible and invisible, at work in the world to redeem creation.

[2] the eternal Son of God, incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He declared God’s Kingdom and embodied that reign in His acts. Having rendered a life of perfect human obedience to the Father, He died on the cross as a vicarious and victorious atonement for sin. In His atoning death and bodily resurrection, Christ opened the way of rescue from sin and death, reconciling the world to God. Exalted as Lord, He continues to intercede on behalf of His people.

[3] the Bible, both Old and New Testaments together, is Holy Scripture. It is the authoritative written Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, inerrant in all that it teaches, the one entirely trustworthy rule for faith and life. The teachings of Holy Scripture are apprehended through the careful study of the text in all its dimensions, together with prayerful theological reflection, under the guidance of God’s Spirit.

[4] human beings alone, both male and female, are created in the image of God. All people are made to enjoy relationship with God, with one another, and with the good creation of which we are stewards. Humankind’s sinful disobedience has incurred God’s just judgment, bringing sin, guilt, depravity and misery upon all humanity.

[5] God in mercy and grace redeems all who repent of their sin and trust Jesus Christ alone for their salvation, justifying them through faith in the Saviour, restoring their relationship with Him, giving them new life by the Holy Spirit, and empowering them for discipleship.

[6] the one holy, catholic and apostolic church occurs in local communities of believers all over the world. The Church is the Body of Christ, the people of God, and the fellowship of the Spirit, sent into the world to glorify Jesus Christ and to bear witness to God’s dawning Kingdom in word and deed.

[7] on a day that has been appointed, Jesus Christ will appear again as judge to raise the righteous unto eternal blessing and the unrighteous unto eternal separation from God. He will consummate His kingdom of peace, and His redeemed will enjoy everlasting life, reigning with Christ in the new heavens and the new earth.”
Approved by the Board of Governors
September 10, 2008

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