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Lord Maitreya
By Oswald Chambers

----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 4:41 PM Subject: [ParanoidTimes] NEW AGE MESSIAH IDENTIFIED: WHO IS LORD MAITREYA?


Just a note, I am just stating the facts from the book, let your minds decide whether Troy Lawrence is right or wrong and that Maitreya is in fact the antichrist.
There are a lot of juicy details in this book that I am itching to tell you about it. It is an out of print book and it is very hard to find. This is a real scholar's book (books like these are gold to me), and I highly ecommend it. You can probably find it at Barnes and Noble. I will have to brak it up into parts and divulge it over many emails. First, the Author Troy awrence is not the real name of course. He was a premier New Ager who worked at the TARA CENTER and he had access to files and secret memos that people would only dream about. After Maitreya had a no show in April of 1982 he had a change of heart and conversion after reading the book, "Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" by Constance Cumbley. He said he quit the Tara Center studied Christianity and the World Religions for 2 years and did some serious soul-searching. He returned to the Tara Center and went undercover to find more about Lord Maitreya. He says his life has been threatened many times, physically attacked, been in a high speed chase in hopes of silencing him. He has never regretted going public even though his fellow laborer Randall Baer had been mysteriously killed.

He says that the paper trail for Maitreya goes from California to Karachi from Pakistan to the inner chambers of the Ahmadiyya movement- from the Ahmadiyya movement to a small poweful group called the "Hassasines". A group so dangerous they have been coined "Assassines" by Troy Lawrence. Troy Lawrence sums it up saying that Maitreya is the leader of the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam. The Sufi movement alone contributes 15 million followers in every muslim nation of his worldwide network. This also does not include the millions of new agers who are ready to fall at this feet in America or other countries when he has his "Day of Declaration".

Troy Lawrence goes on to say that he is not presumptuous to say that Maitreya is indeed the Antichrist. Maitreya is the great-grandson of Ghulam Ahmad and thus the 5th Kalifa of the Ahmadiyya movement. He only awaits the death of this uncle (who has no son) Tahir Ahmad, who is now in ill health. (This book was also written in 1991, so I am sure Tahir Ahmad is probably a stiffie!) To the Muslims he is the long awaited Imam Mahdi, the Hindus Krishna, Buddhists he will be the long awaited 5th Buddha and for the Jews he will be their Messiah. (there is currently a Maitreya Buddha statue being built, supposedly the world tallest statue) could this be the image of the beast that speaks as mentioned in Revelation. Some unsuspecting Christians he will be Jesus Christ returned. Lord Maitreya arrived from Pakistan to England in the early 90's and he was born in Feb, 1962 which should make him 40?

According to occultists 1890 was an eventful year, the KING OF THE WORLD (Satan) came above ground for a special appearance. He appeared in a Buddhist temple in Narabanchi, Outer Mongolia (in the Gobi Desert). (Gobi Desert is also the same place that Adoph Hitler was trying to find the Hidden Masters during WWII) A monk named Hukuktu recounted the event to a Russian Occultists by the name of Ferdin and Ossendowski. He said "Do you see this throne? One night in the winter, several horseman rode into the monastery... Then one of the strangers mounted the throne, where he took off his bashly or caplike head covering. All the Lamas fell their knees as they recognized the man who long ago had been described in the bulls of Dalai Lama, Tashi Lama, and Bogdo Khan.
He was the man the whole world belongs and who has penetrated into all the mysteries of Nature. He pronounced a short Tibetan prayer, blessed all the hearers and afterwards made predictions for the coming half century. (The Devil does Exist!!!!) This was 30 years ago and in the interim all his prophecies are being fulfilled. During his prayers before that small shrine in the next room this door opened of its own accord, the candles and lights before the altar lighted themselves and the sacred braziers without coals gave forth great streams of incense that filled the room. And then, without warning, the king of the world and his companions disappeared from among us. Behind him remained no trace save the folds in the silken thorne coverings which smoothed themselves out and left the throne as though no one sat upon it.

These are a few alternative Buddhist Lama prophecies that I found on Morgana's Observatory
http://www.dreamscape.com/morgana/about Maitreya:

On a five-year expedition to the East, Roerich recorded the following predictions of Tibetan Lamas. This information is from The Peoples Almanac by David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace.] First will begin an unprecedented war of all nations. Afterward, brother shall rise against brother. Oceans of blood shall flow. They shall forget the meaning of the word Teacher. But then shall the Teachers appear and in all corners of the worldshall be heard the true teaching. To this word of truth shall the people be drawn, but those who are filled with darkness and ignorance shall set obstacles. As a diamond, glows the light on the tower of the Lord of Shambhala.(interpreted as the great spiritual kingdom, according to the Lamas.) One stone in his ring is worth more than all the world's treasures. Even those who by accident help the Teachings of Shambhala will receive in return a hundredfold. Already many warriors of the teaching or truth are reincarnated. Only a few years shall elapse before everyone shall hear the mighty steps of the Lord of the New Era. And one can already perceive unusual manifestations and encounter unusual people. Already they open the gates of knowledge and ripened fruits are falling from the trees.

The banner of Shambhala shall encircle the central lands of the Blessed One. Those who accept him shall rejoice. And those who deny him shall tremble. The denier shall be given over to justice and shall be forgotten. And the warriors shall march under the banner of Maitreya [the coming spiritual leader of the world].

2. The great reformer arises. He will clear the world of therelics of monotheism and lay the cornerstone of the temple of pantheism. I see the peaceful beginning of an ethical era. The man determined in this mission is a Mongolian Slav. He is already walking the earth. And I see the nations growing wiser and realizing that the alluring woman of their destinies is after all nothing but an illusion. There will be a time when the world will have no use for armies, hypocritical religions, and degenerate art.

What else happened in 1890. A Muslim man in India claimed to be the Promised One of all Religions. His name was Ghulam Ahmad. One of his descendents writes about him, "The Ahmadiyyah movement is not an old movement; it is only about 34 years old. (1924). The movement was founded by Hazrat (Reverend) Mirza Sir Ghulam Ahmad under a express divine command. He claimed to be the Mahdi, whose advent had been told by the Holy Prophet Muhammad and the Messiah, whose advent had been foretold in the Bible and in certain Islamic books... Ghulam wrote many books, organized the SUFI movement that extended all over the world. There are Ahmadi mosques in every country of the world influencing and coordinating with the occult groups. The first Ahmadi mission to the West was started in London, England. (This is where Maitreya is currently based). When Ghulam died in 1908 he was succeeded by his son. Every successor has since been called the Kalifah-uh-Masih (Successor of the Messiah). If you ask how can Ghulam Ahmad be Maitreya, since he has been dead since 1908? The answer has a simple solution. Each Kalipha (Successor) of Ghulam was to carry his "spirit and power". Interesting to note, when Ghulam died in 1908, the fall of the same year, Maitreya entered into and possessed the body of Krishnamurti. (This possession failed). Yet, the evil spirit that possed Ghulam Ahmad, and Krishnamurti is now possessing a man called, " Maitreya" right now. Maitreya is said by Benjamin Creme to live in a Indo-Pakistani community in London. The Indo-Pakistani community in London turns out to be the London Ahmadi Community. Creme said "The Christ" flew by jet from Karachi, Pakistan to London, England in July of 1977 and he has been giving hundreds of presentations since that time.

The Ahmadi missionary has been giving presentations since 1950. Who was giving the presentations in the 1950's. No other than Muburak Ahmad. Every descended of Ghulam, becomes the new Khalif is assigned to the London Mission as Missionary-in-charge. Maitreya is now that man Missionary-in-charge.

Maitreya is destined to become the Khalifat-ul-Masih V leader of fourteen million Ahmadis. He is the great grandson of Ghulam Ahmad. In July, 1997 he was commissioned by his uncle , the Kalifat-ul-Masih IV, to take control of the London Mission of the Ahmadiyya Community. That month he flew from Pakistan to London.

Here are Scriptural Prophecies concerning Antichristos:

1. He shall be named Apollyon ( Rev. 9:11)

2. He shall be born from Asia Minor ( Rev. 2:13)

3. He shall have no desire for women (Dan 11:37)

4. He shall cause fire and lightning to fall from Heaven and perform

Satanic miracles (Rev 13:13, Luke 10:18)

5. He shall be worshipped as God in the temple of God (2 Thess 2:4)

6. The number of his name shall equall 666 (Rev 13:18)

Troy Lawrence makes an interesting insight, by saying that John the Revelator was writing to Christians in the pagan and occult world. Therefore John the Revelator used images, phrases, and symbols to get his meaning across to others, most people do not acknowledge this fact today. O.K., now Troy Lawrence goes on to say that in the occult initiated circles tell the unitiated that all religous reformers throughout the ages were equal manifestations of the "Force" of God. They believe that Jesus is one of many incarnations (avatars) of the "Force" as God as an Ascended Master for the betterment of man. Initiated New Agers believe that Vishnu the Second Person of the Hindu Trinity has reincarnated into 9 manifestations. Krishna and Buddha are 8th and 9th respectively. Jesus is considered only a minor Avatar, maybe 2nd or 3rd on the chart. Kalki is the name of the 10th final and greatest Avatar or the avatar of Vishnu. Troy Lawrence then goes on to say that the initiated new agers beleive Kalki has not come but he says that the initiated know better. He says that that this present age Kaliyuga (Dark Age) must be destroyed by the coming Kalki to create a new age and that they (the initiated elite) will become the new masters of the new age. In Sanskrit sacred tongue of the Hindus the name Kalki does mean "DESTROYER". Troy Lawrence goes on to say that the initiated revere Kalki as personage known as Appollonius of Tyana. Now is where it gets really interesting. John the Revelator says in Rev. 9:11 that the 5th angels had the keys to the bottomless pit and he opened it up and smoke came out along with locusts who had a king called Abbadon (Hebrew) Apollyon (Greek). A lot of biblical scholars have connected also the name Apollyon to Apollo a pagan God who symbol was the locust which plagues came out of. Apollyon is opposite of savior, being a destroyer. Apollo was the also called the son of Zeus, the solar king, the Lord of Death in the underworld and night who could shapeshift into a serpent.

The Greek word for the pit (hell) is also Abaton = Abbadon. Abaton is said to be by new agers to be the real pit along with a pagan temple which priests and novices would sleep in overnight to be magically healed by mother earth in a cycle of death, burial, and rebirth.
Appolonius of Tyana claimed to be the Son of Zeus. Now lets go to the historical Appolonius of Tyana. He was born in Tyana, in Cappodocia, Asia Minor (Turkey) in the very same year that Jesus was born. Appolonius traveled extensively throughout the world but kept Pergamos as his home base. John the Revelator has something to say about Pergamos read (Rev. 2:13). He called it "Satan's Seat". As Jesus preached in Palestine, Appollonius preached in Asia Minor. The Seat of Paganism in Asia Minor was Pergamos. In Pergamos there was found an "Altar of Zeus" where he was worshipped as a God. Appolonius's birth was accompanied with popular forms of miracles.

In the Mahabharata the God Vishnu reveals himself as flash of lightening as bright as a thousand suns. Flavius Philostratus of Appolonius's birth, "Now he is said to have been born in a meadow, hard by which has been now erected a sumptuous temple to him; and let us not pass by the manner of his birth.... the people of the country say that just at the moment of birth, a thunderbolt seemed about to fall to earth and then rose up into the air and disappeared aloft; and the gods thereby indicated, I think, the great distinction to which the sagewas to attain, and hinted in advance how he should transcend all things upon earth and approach the gods.... The people of the country, then, say that Appolonius was the son of Zeus...

John the Revelator said that the Antichrist would make "make great wonders, so he maketh fire fall from heaven" Rev 13:13. Jesus told his disciples that "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven" (Luke10:18)

You would think that such signs would accompany Maitreya you think, read this:

At age of 16 he set himself up in a most rigid fashion of monastic rule much like Pathogoras, renouncing wine, meat, and marriage. He professed to know all languages without ever having have to learn them, to know the inmost thoughts of men, and to understand the languages of the birds and the animals, and to have the power to predict the future. Appolonius believed in reincarnation, the transmigration of souls from body to body. He visited Persia, India, and the Nile. When Christianity made its beginning movements pagans constructed temples and shrines in Asia Minor to contradict or fight Christianity.
Appolonius power over spirits and demons made him a formidable rival to that of Jesus Christ. Appolonius is Latininized of the Greek version Appollyon which is also short for Apollo-Python. Read Rev. 9:11. Appolonius was said to have dressed like a Brahmin (Hindu Aryan) spoke Brahmim, and acted Brahmin. If you are interested in a little history of the notorious Brahmins, please read this.. http://www.light1998.com/The-Bible-of-Aryan-Invasions/bibai.html Adolph Hitler also sent his Nazis to search for the hidden masters during WWII. Hitler himself belonged to two occult societies, the Vril Society and Thule Gesellschaft. The author of "Spear of Destiny" Trevor Ravenscroft said that the members of these societies took "irrevocable vows to serve Lucifer". Many Hindu leaders today, still openly praise Hitler, some even considered him to be mahatma (ascended master), almost like an avatar. He didn't eat meat, have intercourse, never married, and he always kept the visual incarnation of Aryan politely.

Back to Apollonius, when he visited India, it was said that the Masters summoned him. Appolonius followed the messenger. Did the Masters see Appolonius as the 10th and last incarnation of Vishnu, remember Kalki does mean Destroyer. Another interesting thing John the Revelator mentioned was the number 666. This number has puzzled people for centuries, was it a person? if so about a million people could qualify or maybe a computer? John the Revelator said," Count the number of the Beast" A lot of Christians referred it to the seven churches of Asia Minor that the book of Revelation addresses.

Reverend Hislop said the beast applied to Saturn. This is most interesting. He writes, "As Mystery signifies the Hidden system, so Saturn signifies the Hidden god. To those who were initiated the god was revealed; to all else he was hidden. Now, the name Saturn in Chaldee is pronounced Satur; but, as every Chaldee scholar knows, consists only of four letters, thus ---STUR--- The name contains exactly the number 666.
> S=60
> T=400
> U=6
> R=200
> The name "Lat" or the hidden one, had evidently been given, as well as Saturn, > to the Great Babylonian god.... the sun-god Apollo had been known under the name of Lat... The Indian god Siva... is sometimes represented as... the Roman Saturn...

(Anybody who has doubts about this whether he is correct, I will confirm it because I took an Etymology (The study of root words) class when I was in highschool.)

In Hinduism, Siva (pronounced Shee-vah) is the Destroyer aspected of the Trinity. Lateinos also adds to 666. Hislop writes more saying that," it was long ago noticed by Irenaeus, about the end of the second century, that the name Teitan contained the Mystic number 666; and he gave it as his opinion that Teitan was "by far the most probable name of the beast of the sea". Irenaeus was a Christian who learned Christianity at the feat of Polycarp who, in turn, learned the faith at the feet of John the Revelator. Hislop also says that the Babylonian Mysteries came from Asia Minor. Teitan is just another synonym for Typhon, the Malignant Serpent or Dragon... Another type of Sun Divinity, or Teitan at Rome that was worshipped was the Epidaurian snake, worshipped under the name of "Aeculapis", that is the man instructing serpent".

Pagans believe that Apollonius was an incarnation of "Aeculapis". The name Teitan also equals 666 in Greek. The Apollo-Python represented the sun-god, Saturn, in his two forms, Light and Dark. Apollo represented the light of day, goodness, health, dryness, and life. Python represented the god of night, darkness, wetness, evil, and death. Apollo-Python was the Lord of Death. Apollonius peformed a lot of miracles, but Eusebius an ancient Christian historian said he used demons to perform his miracles. Being that Teitan equals 666, it is no wonder why the early christians in Asia Minor had no problem identifying the antichrist. Apollonius fits every description of what you would call a Pagan Christ, the role model for Antichrist. Apollonius and Jesus were complete opposites. Apollonius used demons, but Jesus used the real thing (Holy Spirit). Jesus fulfilled the Law of the Prophets, he taught one to respect authority and love one another. Apollonius taught reincarnation, astrology, necromancy, healing with crystals, and Social Darwinism. Jesus fed the multitudes of poor, and gave the living waters of life. Apollonius praised the Brahmin (God-Men) of India who lived their lives in luxury while they enslaved the lower castes. Jesus ate with sinners and publicans. Apollonius worshipped the "Self" as god. Jesus said that he who worships "Self" shall die. (Luke 18:14). Okay now I have finished the comparison, now lets look at the present. Christians are waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ and Luciferians (occultists) are waiting for the return of Apollonius whom they call Kalki the Destroyer. Now, lets compare some quotes between Apollonius of Tyana and the modern day Maitreya. Could Apollonius of Tyana and Maitreya the Christ have the same spirit inside of them. Lets see if they at all resemble the bibilical quotes of Satan.

Apollonius traveled very much in Asia Minor, Philostratus once recorded while he came to the border of Babylon, the king refused to let him pass. Apollonius said to him, "All the earth is mine, and I have the right to go over it and through it" The king supposedly shrunk like a child. This is very similiar of the biblical quote of Job 1:7, Lord questioning Lucifer, "Whence comest thou?" Then Satan answered the Lord and said, "From going to and for the earth, and from walking up and down it"

Now lets take a look at the modern day Maitreya and one of his quotes. In one of Maitreya's channeled messages to Benjamin Creme he said "Manifest yourselves around you that which I pronounce and become as Gods"

This too, has a fimiliar ring to it lets look at Genesis 3:4-5. "And the serpent said to the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods."
Another interesting tidbit, is how prophets described Lucifer before his fall. Ezekiel ( 28:11-19) and Isaiah ( 14:12-15) describe how Lucifer became corrupted first because of his pride in his beauty. Ezekiel said he was perfected in wisdom and beauty. Lucifer does mean light. Now if you would think that if Satan would incarnate into a human being he might have some of the following characteristics of pride, beauty, and wisdom. Take a look at Kevin Eggena's webpage and the pictures of Maitreya. http://community-2.webtv.net/KevinEggena/WHATISHAPPENING/ Would you not think there would be some striking coincidences?



Jean Dixon Prophecy on Maitreya.

New Age leaders and propagandists accepted her vision on the birthdate of Maitreya. Feb 5, 1962, Dixon claimed to have had a vision of the New Age Messiah. She claims that during her vision she saw Pharaoh Ikhnaton and Queen Nefertiti, patron saints of occultism, with a child in their arms. In the vision the Queen held out her hands as an offering to the world. Dixon described the child as "all knowing... and full of wisdom and knowledge".. As the child grew there was a cross seen above his head which grew and grew till, "it dripped over the earth in all directions". She says simultaneously, peoples of every race, religion, and color each kneeling and lifting the arms in worshipful adoration, surrounded him. They were all as one. "Dixon believed this "Messiah" would bring together all mankind in one all embracing faith... the world as we know it will be reshaped and revamped into one without wars or suffering." Dixon now has repented and has become a Catholic. Her view of the "Child of the East" have changed. She now wrote that she thought he was going to be the Antichrist: "The circumstances surrounding the birth of the "Child of the East" and the events I have since seen taking place in my life make him appear so Christlike, yet so different, that there is no doubt in my mind that the child "child" is the actual person of the Antichrist, the one who will deceive the world in Satan's name. Dixon was claimed to have some of the "state's evidence" against the "Child of the East" that she had at first, hoped to save the world. She says that the child will become aware of his mission at the age of twelve (1974). Dixon proceeds, " He will then expand his influence, and those around him will finally from a small nucleus of dedicated followers when he reaches the age of nineteen (1981). He will quietly work with them till he is twenty-nine years or thirty years old (1991-1992), when the forcefullness and impact of his presence in the world will begin to bear the forbidden fruit. Dixon says that just as Jesus Christ and his disciples spread the Gospel, the disciples of the antichrist will spread the Gospel of his God (Christ Conciousness). She says that the main difference between the latter is that Maitreya's disciples will not stand alone, they will have the propaganda of the United States backing them advancing his cause, " beyond anything ever possible". Apparently Benjamin Creme hasn't heard of Jean Dixon's second opinion either. In Share International's Questions and Answers December 85' issue Creme was asked if Dixon's prophecy of the Messiah was Maitreya. Creme said he agreed with Dixon and he believed that Mrs. Dixon had "Correctly turned into an actual thought form of the return of Christ"

Benjamin Creme and the False Prophet.

In "The Late Great Planet Earth" christian author Hal Linsey made an astonishing statement about the future false prophet. " When John the Baptist, one of the greatest prophets of all time, first saw Jesus coming toward him, he said, "Behold, the Lamb of the God that takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29 NASB). In this statement he summarized the whole significance of the Old Testament. It all pointed to Jesus. So we see will who will worship the Antichrist. Everyone will worship him who has not put his faith in Christ. It is possible to project our thoughts toward that time when the entire world will look upon one human being as the supreme leader. The Antichrist will need a lot of help to carry out his schemes. His staunchest ally will be the False Prophet. In Rev. 13:11-13 we are introduced to this famous character. This person who is called the Second Beast, is going to be a Jew. Many believe that he will also be from the tribe of Dan, which is one of the original progenitors of the nation of Israel. The False Prophet (he is called that in Revelation 19:20 and 20:10) will be a master of satanic magic. The future False Prophet is going to be a devilish John the Baptist.

Now here is Troy Lawrence's scholarly work. "I first hit a brick wall when it came to Creme since he was a Scot. I then discovered that he is Jewish on his father's side. His father was a Russian Jew who immigrated to Scotland. What about Creme and the Tribe of Dan? Jews are the Tribe of Judah, not Dan. Troy Lawrence ask himself, " How can Creme be of the Tribe of Dan when the tribe is among the "lost" tribes. Lawrence then made a startling discovery in the occult doctrine, "Anglo-Israelism" It is held by occultists and a few christian groups that the lost tribes of Isreal (Tribe of Dan) migrated through Europe to Great Britain and Ireland. Troy Lawrence asked himself another question, "How can the False Prophet be of the Tribe of Dan when the tribe doesn't exist anymore? Obviously, the false prophet (according to Hal Linsay) will claim to be a Jew, and of the Tribe of Dan. Occultists (estorcists) like Creme can do this, and that itself would fulfill Biblical prophecy. We already know that Creme is a Russian Jew. (Linsay calls Russia the Land of Magog) Creme is also a Scot. Now what do the Anglo-Israelites say about the Scots? An Anglo-Israelite propagandist B.W. Weldon in his book "Evolution of Israel" - The North was inhabited by the two peoples: the Scots and the Picts. The Scots originally came from Ireland, and they have some connection with the famous Tuatha De Danaaan and the Tuatha De Danaan may have had some connection with the Ancient tribes of Dan. Dan represents modern Scotland!!!

Another Anglo-Isrealite book called, "Dan, The Pioneer of Isreal was written by the Royal Keeper of the Crown Jewels, Col. J.C. Gawler. In the book he gives page by page evidences that the Danites are now the Scots. This is the accepted gospel among occultists. Remember, Hal Linsay said that the false prophet would be a "devilish John the Baptists?" Glenys Roberts, a reported for the The Shropshire Star (A British Newpaper published in Wellington) interviewed Creme and his wife. She wrote: " How would you feel if your husband woke up one day and annouonced he was John the Baptist?" That is more or less what happened to Phyliss Creme, a perfectly rational 39 year-old lecturerer in communication styles at North London Polytechnic, whose 59 year old husband, Ben, has taken on the mantle of the wandering prophet. (The Shropshire Star II May 1982) She titled her article " The latter day John the Baptist" N.W. Hutchings a christian writer for Southwest Radio Ministry Church pointed out that almost all major world religions "have a forerunner" for their promoted messiah. Hutchings finds it interesting that "Creme contends that he has been called to prepare the way for Lord Maitreya". Hutchings thinks this is a ploy for Satan to decieve the world. Dave Hunter, who listened to Creme at a news conference described Creme as the perfect spellbinder, the man with the most believable, satanic, cosmic message for the world today. Recently on the "Merv Griffith Show", Creme held his host's attention for ten minutes-- to the extent of committing the unforgivable TV sin of having passed over the commercial.

Benjamin Creme works for the TARA center. Creme describes Tara as meaning, "Great Mother". She is also know as Tara in Tibet, Diana and Athena in Greece, and Ashtaroth to the Hebrews. The Canaanites and the Hebrews often followed abomidable sacrafice of children to that goddess. This included cannabalism and blood sacrafice. She is known as "Mother Earth" and Gaia. History shows that she is cold and cruel and demands blood to satisfy her. She is know as Kali in India. It is now very obvious why John the Revelator called her the "Great Whore". According to the book, "Encyclopedia of Mythology". Tara Hindu goddess and wife of Brishaspati bore an illegitimate son by another Hindu God, Soma. The child was so handsome and intelligent, that the husband and Tara named him as their son. Maitreya who was supposedly born 2,600 years ago, can be identified as the illegitimate son of Tara. It makes sense, that the Tara center is now promoting him to be their Messiah. Tara and her god-like son became the basis for Druidism. Druidism and the worship of Tara became symnonymous with the appearance of the Illuminati movement under the guise of the Masonic Lodge. If you look in Tara Center's publications you will find that illumnati terminology is mentioned often. Tara is anything but a mother.

The Ascended Masters

The Religion of Babylon. One might ask what the Religion of Babylon was like. You could find much about the Religion of Babylon through the religion Hinduism. Hinduism basically contains a mass of philosophies, doctrines, gods and practices. In short, too much Mumbo Jumbo. No straightfordward truth like the Bible or Word of God. The Bible simply condones the religion of Hinduism of astrology (Duet.4:19, 17:3; 2 KINGS 17:16, Isa 47:3, Zeph 1:5) necromancy (Lev 20:27, Isa 28:7, 1 Chron 10:13, 2 Chron 10:13, 33:6, etc) nature worship (Judges 3:7) and the immorality that accompany these practices. The name of given by the Bible on the Babylonian Religion was Baal, Baalim, and Great Mother worship.

What is Baal Worship? Baalim means Masters. Just as there is Christ, so is there Antichrist. Christians believe that there are seven archangels below God as described in Revelation, so also there must be seven archangels below Satan. The Bible clearly names these Seven Arch Demons in the Bible as Master Meon (Num 25:3; Duet. 4:3), Master Perazim (2 Sam. 5:20), Master Shalisha (2 Kings 4:42), Master Tamar (Judges 20:30), Master Zebub (2 Kings 1:2) and Master Zephon (Ex. 14:2) these seven are Satan's Baalim.

In Theosophy, the names are Sanat Kumara (Satan) and under the Seven Masters: Master Morya, Master Koot Hoomi, the Venetian Master (Djwal Kul), Master Serapis, Master Hilarion, Master Jesus (not the real Jesus, but Apollonius), Master Prince Rakoozi (a.k.a. Master of the Count). Troy Lawrence believes these are just new names for the biblical Satan and his Seven Archdemons. New Age doctrine says that Godhood is the Masters ultimate goal to help mankind achieve a higher state of conciousness from our immature state to be closer with Sanat Kumara (Satan). These include Seven Levels 1). Physical, 2) Astral 3) Mental 4) Institutional (Buddhic), 5) Spiritual (Nirvanic) 6) Monadic (Anupadaka) and finally, 7) Divine (Adi). In Ancient Babylon in the Mystery Schools they believed you couldn't do this in one lifetime and needed a continual cycle of birth, death, burial, and reburial to achieve higher consciousness and enlightenment. The bible contradicts this, saying that once you die, you are appointed to be judged (Heaven or Hell). In Mesopatamia they built Ziggarauts which were SEVEN layered. New Age doctrine focuses Self as the object of worship and being able to exalt oneself to Godhood. This is also the worship of Satan. The sin of Lucifer before he became Satan was him saying in his own heart, "I will ascend to heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be most like the "Most High" (Isa. 14:13-14) It's interesting compared to what Jesus said of Masters, " Neither be ye be called Master: for one is your master, even Christ. The major publishing company of author Alice Bailey, channeler for Ascended Masters is called Lucis Trust, formerly LUCIFER TRUST. Alice Bailey and her small following made major attempt in the 1960's via the Hippie Movement and won incredibly. America forever had changed. Do you not find it interesting that during this time the "Beatles" each had there own guru straight from India.
What is Maitreya's Real Name?

Who is Maitreya? Let's see what we have now. We know he goes by a common Muslim name. We know he speaks in Pakistani dialects and wears Pakistani clothes. We know he is from Pakistan. He is a spokesman for the Indo-Pakistani community. He is a direct descendant of Ghulam Ahmad. We do know that the "Divine Light" the ultimate Mahdi will bear the spirit and power of Ghulam Ahmad. (Christians call this generational witchcraft). Ghulam Ahmad claimed to be the promised one of all religions (which technically includes Lord Maitreya). If this person is the promised Caliph technically he also will be named Lord Maitreya.

The first man to assume the title of Caliph was by the name Mu'awaiya, a Sufi, whose descendents ruled the Ottoman Empire era. The last of his descendents died out 600 years ago. His family name was the Umayyid and they orginated in Damascus, Syria. Many believed that Mu'awaiya committed a great act of blasphemy of assuming the title of Caliph whose numerical value equals that of 666 (remember this). Benjamin Creme has been quoted saying that Maitreya has an "affinity with the ancient Caliphs". Benjamin Creme stated that the Ascended Master Jesus (as Apollonius of Tyana) lives now in the body of an Assyrian that is 600 years old. The last Umayyad Caliph was assassinated in 1358, and he was, of course a Syrian. Isn't it interesting that the Sufis went underground for 600 years and now all of a sudden they reappeared. This is the spirit of the antichrist.

Dave Eels is the man, (that is man of God).

The Ahmadi Khalifas have always had a double standard, much like their Aryan brothers (or Catholic princes, chuckle chuckle!!) and have been caught going to nude clubs, and one Khalifa even raped a maiden servant. Ahmadi Caliphas have been known to always anger the more Puritan-like Orthodox Muslims.

Khalifas rule the Ahmadis with an iron fist. They spread Sufism via secret societies across the globe. Currently there are about fourteen million Ahmadis, with tens of thousands of Sufi Masters. Now with all these Khalifas, there is going to be one last Khalifa. He will be called the, "Divine Light", and remember Ghulam, he said that," he will be of thy own seed and thine own progency and race. His name will be Emanuel and also Bashir. This "Divine Light" will be a direct descendent of Ghulam Ahmad who will be given many messianic titles and possibly the ," finally appointed Mahdi". Could this also be Maitreya? According to Ghulam's revelation, the "Divine Light" will appear with "Fazl". Could this Fazl be the same Fazil Karim, Sufi Master? Below are a list of Ahmadi Khalfas:

1: Hazrat Moulvi Nur ud Din ( Khalfat-ul-Masih I)

2: Hazrat Mirzar Bashir ud Din Mahmood Ahmad( Khalifat-ul-Masih II)

3: Hazrat Mirzar Nasir Ahmad (Khalifat-ul-Masih III)

4: Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad ( Khalifat-ul-Maisih VI) Tahir is the present Head of the Ahmadiyyah Movement who became so in 1982. It was supposed in 1982 that Maitreya was going to make his announcement. Tahir Ahmad was currently ailing in 1982, and his replacement was being made.

What is his name? It is Rahmat Ahmad. He will become the Khalifat-ul-Masih V. He will be in control of the Ahmadis, the Sufis, and the entire New Age movement. Since the present head of the Ahmadiyyah Movement has no sons (he has four daughters), Rhamat is next in line for the title of Khalifate. Only one of his closest disciples knows his true identity as the last of the Caliphs. Rahmat has interesting connontations. In 1936, a Sufi master in India, U. Ali wrote a book Mohammed In Ancient Scriptures. Basically, he talked about the coming Maitreya and he made an interesting comment that "Rahmat is the arabic equivalent of Maitreya". Benevolence, loving kindness, friendliness, compassion, mercy or mercifulness, all words are similiar to the arabic word of RAH_MAT. In the book Egyptian Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie the Egyptian god RA is the lord of the air and the god of Mendes. It is not coincidence that the Apostle Paul called Satan the, "prince of the power of the air" in Ephesians 2:2. In Hebrew the term "prince" is Sar, which can also mean captain or chief. Mendes refers to the sacred caverns in Egypt. Occultists throughout the century have worshipped the "Goat of Mendes". Sad, that they do not know that the Goat of Mendes is also the biblical Lucifer. RA is just another name for Lucifer. Egyptian pictures have RA carrying a hammer and a sickle. This is the symbol of the Communists and the Muslim religion (if I am correct). One thing Maitreya will do for certain is gain control of all New Age Religions going from East to West. MAAT was seen as Mother Nature, or Mother Earth, or Egyptian Isis, Indian Kali, Palestian Ashteroth. Her, Baal (Satan), were worshipped with the Baalim (Masters). Who was their chief enemy, JEHOVAH. RA-MAAT (RAHMAT) is the ultimate Yin-Yang symbol in occultics. Hindus believe that God is divine, good and evil. They also worship death or Kali. I do not know about you who are reading this but if I were to worship a god who represents good and death I would be a bit confused. To be confused is right because there is no such god. But, the bible does mention someone who "transforms himself as an angel of light". Who is that? The bible says that is Satan (2 Cor. 11:14). Now if you were evil and deceive someone you would first have to appear as a savior to the world (Lucifer) but as one follows him and his ways ultimately you are being deceived and led down a dark path to blackness where Satan resides.

Now, Ghulam Ahmad practiced spiritualism, narcotics, reincarnation, and karma. If Ghulam Ahmad's spirit and power is past on ancestrally (generational withchraft) we should expect him also to preach and practice the same things. Will Rahmat Ahmad be 5th and final Caliph? Maybe or maybe not, but most certainly one of his descendents sure will. The Holy Spirit does restrain evil, so years is no real factor because it can be any time. One thing is for certain and that is that Maitreya is possessed by an evil spirit from the pit, what new agers call Shamballa. One last quote which comes from P. Thomas which says, "Vishnu will appear in the world as Kalki riding on a charger, waving the sword of destruction in his right hand". This is a remarkable statement if you are a christian familiar with John the Revelator. Rev: 6:2 "I looked, and there in front of me was a white horse. Its rider carried a bow, and a crown was placed upon his head; he rode out to conquer in many battles and win the war". New Agers also have a prayer they call the "Great Invocation" which calls forth Maitreya and pleads " Let the Rider from the Secret place come forth". If you can interpret esosterics as well as I can the "Great Invocation" is a Satanic "Our Father" which chants to Satan to come of his secret place (Shambhalla = Hell) to kill all christians and all people in general. Not a very pleasent thing. If you read this and you are not a Christian, a Muslim, a New Ager, an atheist I am not condemning you, in fact I am reaching out my hand to this new and exciting life of Jesus Christ who is the water of life and TRUTH.

I hope through this article you too may become clean throught the blood of Yeshua. Amen

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Am I Carnally Minded?

Posted by ManilasMan on Sunday, January 13, 2013 , under | comments (0)

What Is The Mind of Christ? 5 Ways to Keep Spiritually Minded - House to House Church Ministry - Home Church Movement in America - Free Bible Studies, Teaching And Resources!

Am I Carnally Minded? | My Utmost For His Highest

By Oswald Chambers

Where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal . . . ? (1 Corinthians 3:3)

The natural man, or unbeliever, knows nothing about carnality. The desires of the flesh warring against the Spirit, and the Spirit warring against the flesh, which began at rebirth, are what produce carnality and the awareness of it. But Paul said, “Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16). In other words, carnality will disappear.

Are you quarrelsome and easily upset over small things? Do you think that no one who is a Christian is ever like that? Paul said they are, and he connected these attitudes with carnality. Is there a truth in the Bible that instantly awakens a spirit of malice or resentment in you? If so, that is proof that you are still carnal. If the process of sanctification is continuing in your life, there will be no trace of that kind of spirit remaining.

If the Spirit of God detects anything in you that is wrong, He doesn’t ask you to make it right; He only asks you to accept the light of truth, and then He will make it right. A child of the light will confess sin instantly and stand completely open before God. But a child of the darkness will say, “Oh, I can explain that.” When the light shines and the Spirit brings conviction of sin, be a child of the light. Confess your wrongdoing, and God will deal with it. If, however, you try to vindicate yourself, you prove yourself to be a child of the darkness.

What is the proof that carnality has gone? Never deceive yourself; when carnality is gone you will know it-it is the most real thing you can imagine. And God will see to it that you have a number of opportunities to prove to yourself the miracle of His grace. The proof is in a very practical test. You will find yourself saying, “If this had happened before, I would have had the spirit of resentment!” And you will never cease to be the most amazed person on earth at what God has done for you on the inside.

The carnal minded people always give the Bible their carnal interpretations based on personal opinion, church theology, traditions of man, or "my church teaches some other way". To understand the mystery of God's Word we have to put away such childish attitudes, and be mature and learn wisely.

RBC Ministries

The product of unbelieving parents...

Posted by ManilasMan on Friday, January 11, 2013 , under | comments (0)

The Bible foretold that from 1914 there would be no peace on earth until the Millennium, before which, Armageddon destroys all life. 

The Bible foretold the disobedience and feral nature of so many of today's youth whom the Prophet calls "atomic fodder". These are the product of unbelieving parents and apostate churches upon whom the wrath of God will pour because of that iniquity.

A depredation of morals, homosexuality, destruction of marriage and family life was foretold. False teachers, lying prophets and deceiving spirits in the churches and treacherous self-serving politicians were also predicted. Bible readers know God will soon turn back to Israel, but also that Israel will be killed.

Read more here 

Eds Reference Guide: Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent - II 

The Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes

Posted by ManilasMan on Thursday, January 10, 2013 , under | comments (0)

The Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes

Link to similar topic

Eds Reference Guide(SG7)Jews and Judaism: The Sadducees

Examination of Their Distinctive Doctrines


The Essenes were a Jewish religious sect not actually mentioned in the Bible, but described by Josephus, Philo, and mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Most members lived communal, celibate lives. They observed Jewish Law very strictly. They practiced ceremonial baptisms. Essenes were apocalyptic, and they opposed Temple priesthood.


The Pharisees were a prominent sect of Jews in Christ's time. They opposed Jesus and His teachings. They plotted His death (Matt 12:14). They were denounced by Him (Matt 23). Their characteristic teachings included: belief in oral as well as written Law; resurrection of the human body; belief in the existence of a spirit world; immortality of the soul; predestination; future rewards and punishments based upon works. Matt 9:11-14; 12:1-8; 16:1-12; 23; Luke 11:37-44; Acts 15:5; 23:6-8.


The Sadducees were another prominent Jewish religious sect in the time of Christ. Their beliefs included: acceptance only of the Law and rejection of oral tradition; denial of bodily resurrection; immortality of the soul; existence of a spirit world (Mark 12:18; Luke 20:27; Acts 23:8). They supported the Maccabeans. The Sadducees were a relatively small group, but they generally held the high priesthood. They denounced John the Baptist (Matt 3:7-8) and Jesus (Matt 16:6,11,12). They actively opposed Christ (Matt 21:12ff; Mark 11:15ff; Luke 19:47) and the apostolic Church (Acts 5:17,33).

Mission & Statement of Faith
Tyndale University College & Seminary

Posted by ManilasMan on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 , under | comments (0)

Tyndale's Mission Statement:

Tyndale is dedicated to the pursuit of truth, to excellence in teaching, learning and research, for the enriching of mind, heart and character, to serve the church and the world for the glory of God.
Tyndale University College & Seminary is a Christian institution of higher education standing in the Protestant Evangelical tradition. With all Christians East and West, North and South, we affirm the historic Apostles’ and Nicene creeds, and we affirm our spiritual kinship with all who seek to exalt and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are also rooted in the Protestant Reformation with its conviction concerning the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the normative authority of Scripture. In the tradition of the Evangelical awakenings, we proclaim the message of a personal faith in the crucified Christ and a transformed life through the Spirit. Born out of the world missionary movement of the 19th century, we continue to serve the global Church in all its cultural diversity. We embrace the biblical call to seek justice and peace and to serve the poor, the vulnerable, and the oppressed.
The following Statement of Faith reflects our own specific theological identity within that world-wide Church.

Statement of Faith

“We believe that:

[1] there is but one true and living God who exists eternally in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God alone is Creator, Preserver and Governor of all things visible and invisible, at work in the world to redeem creation.

[2] the eternal Son of God, incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He declared God’s Kingdom and embodied that reign in His acts. Having rendered a life of perfect human obedience to the Father, He died on the cross as a vicarious and victorious atonement for sin. In His atoning death and bodily resurrection, Christ opened the way of rescue from sin and death, reconciling the world to God. Exalted as Lord, He continues to intercede on behalf of His people.

[3] the Bible, both Old and New Testaments together, is Holy Scripture. It is the authoritative written Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, inerrant in all that it teaches, the one entirely trustworthy rule for faith and life. The teachings of Holy Scripture are apprehended through the careful study of the text in all its dimensions, together with prayerful theological reflection, under the guidance of God’s Spirit.

[4] human beings alone, both male and female, are created in the image of God. All people are made to enjoy relationship with God, with one another, and with the good creation of which we are stewards. Humankind’s sinful disobedience has incurred God’s just judgment, bringing sin, guilt, depravity and misery upon all humanity.

[5] God in mercy and grace redeems all who repent of their sin and trust Jesus Christ alone for their salvation, justifying them through faith in the Saviour, restoring their relationship with Him, giving them new life by the Holy Spirit, and empowering them for discipleship.

[6] the one holy, catholic and apostolic church occurs in local communities of believers all over the world. The Church is the Body of Christ, the people of God, and the fellowship of the Spirit, sent into the world to glorify Jesus Christ and to bear witness to God’s dawning Kingdom in word and deed.

[7] on a day that has been appointed, Jesus Christ will appear again as judge to raise the righteous unto eternal blessing and the unrighteous unto eternal separation from God. He will consummate His kingdom of peace, and His redeemed will enjoy everlasting life, reigning with Christ in the new heavens and the new earth.”
Approved by the Board of Governors
September 10, 2008

The people of the book

Posted by ManilasMan on Monday, January 7, 2013 , under | comments (2)

The people of the book « News that matters

The people of the book: Is God still with them?

People who preach replacement theology teach that God of the Bible has ended His special relationship with he Jewish people. Neither has the modern state of Israel any significance in His plans for the final judgment of the World. Nor will Israel and the Jewish people be in the center of the second coming of His Son.

They tell us that we should not pay to much attention to Israel. Our support of her is based on the same love we share for all nations. We will share our faith in Jesus with the Jewish people, just like with any other people on Earth. The earthly city of Jerusalem is of no importance to God, and can therefore be divided without implications in our relationship with God. We should rather focus on the heavenly Jerusalem, which is still unseen, not yet come down to us from Heaven.

Is this teaching Biblical, does it express the will of our Father in Heaven?

Unfortunately not, for those who live in such an terrible error.

God of the Bible is very concerned about Israel. He said that He would gather the Jewish people from all the nations He had scattered them, and bring them back to the land he promised their forefathers as an everlasting homeland. (Ezekiel 36:24). This promise was fulfilled in 1948. Whatever we may think about this, it does not have any impact on the character of God. He can be trusted. (Genesis 17:7-8). That the state of Israel has survived 60 years of constant hostility is by it self a miracle, and the best proof in our days, that there is a living God of Israel fighting for them.

The Zionist movement is colorful. Few of them understand that it is God who has gathered them, and will keep on gathering them home to Israel, to prepare the World for the most awesome moment ever. The return of the Messiah! First, He will come in the clouds of Heaven, and finally make a touch down in Jerusalem.

How do we know the Messiah will end up in Jerusalem?

In Acts 1:11 Two Angels tells the students of Jesus that their Lord shall come back in the same way as He left. He ascended into Heaven from the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

Zechariah 14:4 explains this return in details:

«On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south.

This valley is not there, this has not happened, not yet. «His feet» shall make a touch down. Paul explains that He shall come and kill the wicked one (or lawless one) who sits in the Temple of God claiming to be God. In the New Heavenly Jerusalem there is no need for a touch down, neither to form a new valley, nor will the wicked one have a seat in the Heavenly Jerusalem!!! But be sure. Also the New Heavenly Jerusalem shall come as promised. But first Jesus will pay the earthly Jerusalem a visit. This was the city were He died for our sins, and to the same city He will return to judge all nations.

In Luke 13:35 Jesus explains that the Jewish people shall be surprised that He who has come, is their saviour, their Messiah. They shall face Him in unbelief, and praise Him. In Luke 14:4 Jesus foretold that just before He returns, Jerusalem will be surrounded by armies. All nations will be gathered against Israel, and will be judged for going against the Word of God, who have taught us to bless Israel and help her. The prophet Joel warns us not to divided Zion, Israel, God´s land, and try to scatter the Jewish people. (Joel 3:2). Thats exactly what the UN and all nations are trying to force Israel to do in our generation.

Israel is not innocent, and shall face judgment for her sins and disobedience. But you have no right to judge her, and to go against her. She is not a treat to anyone, and long for peace, safety and security. If you have chosen Israel as your enemy, you have also chosen to fight the only true and living God of the Bible. Please do not do that.

Give your life to the Jewish Messiah. And chose to stand with Israel in all her troubles.

Did the Jews kill their own Messiah?

May 17, 2009

«if Jews didn’t kill Jesus, who did???» Certainly Romans drove the nails into his hands and feet, but the Jewish Sanhedrin sentenced him to death».

This was the best comment on this blog this week, and its illustrate one of the most important questions in the history of the human race. A lot is at stake here.

The «problem» with the death of Jesus, is that in the Court of Law, there has has to be a dead body before anybody can be accused of murder.

Since the Bible claims Jesus is alive, someone must have misunderstood.

Not only does the Bible claims that the Messiah is alive, tens of millions of people claims the same.

Jesus him self support those who claim that the Jewish people is innocent of this human accusation, that they are murders:

John 10:17-18:

«The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father».

Jesus Him self gave up His life. And He took it back, to be alive forever more. The grave was empty. The was no murder, there was no killer, and the supposed to be a victim is alive and kicking.

The human Court of Law, who have accused the Jewish people of «killing» their own Messiah, King Y´shua is the real criminals. They have even committed genocide in the name of peace and justice to prove their case.

In the Bible, such people are accused to be with the very anti-Jewish Messiah. In the Greek version of the Bible, such a person is labeled as an antichrist.

Jesus did not carry the cross because He wanted anyone to be blamed. He carried the cross to carry the sins of the World. He died on the cross in Jerusalem and rose again!, so we all could get a chance to change our ways, believe in Him and live.

I am one of His witnesses. The Jewish Messiah is alive, and He loves the Jewish people.

Back to the original question:

Who «killed» Jesus?

I did. It was my sins that drove Jesus to the cross. He gave up His life because He loved me.

You also are a sinner that needs to be saved by Him.